SAP S/4HANA Account

SAP S/4HANA Account

This account is used by the Snaps of SAP S/4HANA Snap Pack.

You can create an account from the Designer or Manager. In Designer, when working on pipelines, every Snap that needs an account prompts you to create a new account or use an existing account. The accounts can be created or used from:

  • Your private project folder: This folder is private to a user.

  • Your Project Space’s shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users who belong to the Project Space.

  • The global shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users within an organization of the SnapLogic instance.

Account Configuration

In Manager, you can navigate to the required folder and create an account in it (see Accounts). To create an account for SAP S/4HANA On-Premise, proceed as follows:

1. Click Create, then select SAPS4Hana > SAP S/4HANA Basic Auth Account.

2. Supply an account label.

3. Enter the following server-related information in the account: User Id, Passphrase, Host, Port, Client, Logon language, Path prefix, Service collection URL.

4. Choose If the certificate will be trusted anyway and ignored during the API request.

5. Click Apply.

Account Types

SAP S/4HANA Basic Auth

Account settings



Required. User-provided label for the account instance

Default value: [None]

User Id:

Required. The user name to connect to the SAP S/4HANAN server.


Default value: [None]


Required. The password of the entered user name to connect to the SAP S/4HANA server.


Default value: [None]


Required. The host server name of the SAP S/4HANA server.


Default value: [None]


Required. The port of the host server.


Default value: [None]


Required. The client id of the SAP S/4HANA server to which the user has access.

Default value: [None]

Logon Language:

Required. The logon language is specified in the Application Server.


Default value: [None]

Path prefix:

required. The prefix of the gateway endpoint path.


Default value: [None]

Path prefix specifies a text element to add to the start of the URL used for connections to the service. Format, Http(s)://<host>:<port>/<Path prefix>. Path prefix is used to build a Catalog URL and fetch associated service collection.

Service collection URL:

required. The service collection URL of the gateway endpoint path.


Default value: [None]

Service collection URL specifies the relative path from where the catalog service is fetched. Please also specify the sap-client following the URL.

Trust all certificates:

If selected, trust all the certificates. Otherwise, the third-party signed SSL certificates are required to be installed for implementing the APIs.


Default value: Not selected

SAP Gateway

SAP Gateway, an integral part of SAP NetWeaver, lets you connect devices, environments, and platforms to SAP systems. It uses the Open Data Protocol (OData) so you can use any programming language or model to connect to SAP and non-SAP applications. SAP S/4HANA uses SAP Gateway and OData services to bring business data to compelling SAP Fiori apps. For this Snap Pack, an SAP gateway URL is used to access the S/4HANA services which follows the format shown below:

Http(s)://<host>:<port>/<Path Prefix>/<Service collection URL>? sap-client=<Client Entry Number>&sap-langugae=<Logon Language>

Here is an example of the SAP S/4HAHA gateway URL:


Short descriptions


Short descriptions








Logon Language


Path prefix


Service collection URL

Skip Certificate

To securely execute the SAP S/4HANA APIs, a third party-signed SSL certificate is asked to be installed. When SAP HANA is installed, you must obtain a certificate for the agent and import certificates on both the agent host machine and the SAP HANA system. Click the following links to find more details about the SAP security and SAP SSL certificate settings.

To assist you easier and quicker access to the S/4HANA APIs in case that there is no third-party signed certificate available in your S/4HANA, skipping the certificate is supported.

User Authorization

The S/4 HANA user used for account setup should have specific authorizations to access OData APIs. To enable the dynamic loading of objects and entities in the snaps below configuration is necessary.

In the transaction PFCG, a new profile should be created and the following services should be added.

Please follow the reference document for step by step instructions.

NOTE: Please ensure that the user should be authorized to call specific OData API Object configured in the Snap.




Snap Pack History

Initial Release (01/02/2020)

  • introduction of this release…

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